🧙️ sitoctt policy on generative artificial intelligence
By OctoSpacc
The content of this page has been entirely machine-translated into English, from Italiano. Therefore, it might contain any kind of errors.
Due to the disputes concerning generative artificial intelligence and their use, [^concern] this page wants, in the possible, to outline a policy on their use and inactivity in the context of this site, to guarantee a good level of transparency with the public.
The date of the last update of this document is indicated at the top of the page, under the title.
The past reviews can be consulted by the GIT chronology: [sitoctt-Genai.md] (https://gitlab.com/octspacc/soctt/-/commits/soctt-next/content/it/miscellanea/soctt-Genai.md ).
No generative language model has ever been used for any of the stages of the life cycle of the original content of pages and posts.
This includes, but is not limited to: sketching, composition, review, subsequent updates.
However, the owners’ text translation tools are used, including Google Translator, to automatically translate the pages and posts of the site to a multitude of different languages.
These systems may or may not be based on generative artificial intelligence, but their output (the translated text) is in any case a direct transformation of the APUT (the text to be translated), and therefore probably not to be considered in a special way.
Each page translated automatically presents a notice at the beginning.
Generative models of images have been used to create covers for some posts, for solely decorative purposes but which recall the content, in all those cases where it has not been possible to obtain or create an image with the right feeling through classical methods.
For the posts that are part of this group, reported below, in any case it is indicated in a legible point of the page, generally in the notes, the nature of the cover images used:
- [324855711127637108__22777661_9_69_049_4734003502621_01_46569_2527201_9_889_635475271_5281_681_32579_36839_241_9 1_536480420771_9_9_340459_88839_081_459_636849_543859_349_0201_423 049_4734003502621_01_46569_2527201_9_889_63547542271_5281_4871_68 59_636849_543859_349_0201_4231_8351_3039_62449_2341_59_33)
- [3248555711127637108__2001_51_6385403585055879_81_0522631_8879_5621_1_1_69_09_51_8489_71_81_7501_704825439_1_528623882020202020202020 63400228279_49_4551_1_5771_769_51_52451_66728686865409_241_3602040 108__2001_51_6385403585055879_81_052631_8879_5621_571_1_69_09_51 8489_71_81_75061_704825439 1_5771_769_51_52451_66728686865409_241_360204071_48774661_1_355489_86809_1_55269_1_38301___)
- [324855711127637108__4238375807265431_8242649_2630228529_7435305769_29_25249_49_21_3371_9_61_27341_1_1_3503731_571 72709_0242735275386555452271_79_4541_856521_25629_8227547051_847 2630228529_7435305769_29_252249_49_21_51_3371_1_9_61_27341_1_1_3503731_574859_84572709_02427527538655552271_79_4541_8565 29_822754777051_847337578888822653_)
- [324855711127637108__820368548036262688765353547777081_6556288731_1_49_001_9_573724409_071_80041_1_66640826781_635299 381_9_71_59_3679_445756004761_71_38678363481_9_1_804501_31_1_01_8 803626288765353547777081_656288731_1_49_001_1_9_573724409_071_8004 38678363481_9_1_8045011_1_01_89_6389_39_4279_7489_2272778621)
- [324855711127637108__680_6809_9_9_1_1_403258301_59_769_651_1_86537303869_8429_574648359_51_482609_06451_63631_742749_35831 2581_8581_0261_3430589_443851_433040752242749 ] ( 324855711276371 48359_51_482609_06451_63631_742749_35831_71_2581_8581_0261_3430589_443851_433040752242749_)
Considering their nature, these images are considered as temporary stops, and can be replaced in the future with definitive versions not generated with artificial intelligence, if adequate substitutes become available.
Except when otherwise specified, for example in the case of a generated image used as a basis above which to manually create a derivative image sufficiently different to be considered a new work, I do not hold the copyright of the images generated through generative artificial intelligence, e Therefore their reuse in any form and for any purpose must be assessed individually by individual users according to moral and state laws. [^copyright]
The prompts used to generate the images are relatively generic and do not try to copy neither the style of existing or existed artists, nor the content of specific works of the human ingenuity existing or existed.
I also remember that the entire site is not for profit.