⚜️ Emblem Collection
By OctoSpacc
The content of this page has been entirely machine-translated into English, from Italiano. Therefore, it might contain any kind of errors.
Tiled on the ctt site, as well as on other people’s sites who live on my computer, are these colorful little images. Sometimes animated, sometimes with something sensible written inside and sometimes not, and some that link to other pages or in any case do something useful.
There are different types, with different names: buttons or banners (usually large 88x31 pixels), blinkie (lower and wider, usually 150x20 and animated), or whatever. In the end they are all somehow similar to emblems, and therefore I created this page to collect them; first listing the ones I use in general on the site, adding more information, and maybe placing others that I like found around.
Under construction…
The ones used here
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Occhi blink blink
I wear cute socks!
Hello Kitty
Girl rot
Cyber rot
Girls for Notepad
Perfect Soldier
I like computer
Made thanks to
Made with Hugo
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Graphics by GIMP
Fueled by Coffee
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Other things
ISO 8601 now!
I support net neutrality
I support right to repair
Trans Your Gender
Ban Porn
Defective by Design
Illegal number
Piracy Now!
Sharing is caring, seed your torrents
Emulate Now!
Campaign against iFrames!
Other Resources
Obviously, there are both sites that collect and catalog industrial quantities of these images, and little pages like this on other personal sites. So here are other collections that I know and recommend (those who know others can leave them in the comments on this page):
- (11K+) The 88x31 GIF Banner Database: https://88x31db.com
- (4K+) The 88x31 GIF Collection: https://cyber.dabamos.de/88x31/ *Mirror: https://www.deadnet.se/88x31/
(31K+) THE 88×31 ARCHIVE: https://hellnet.work/8831/
- 88x31 Button Library: https://lazerdart.uk/buttons
- (27K+) The 88x31 GIF Collection: http://www.textfiles.com/underconstruction/88x31/ (warning: very heavy page)
- kate’s 88x31 button archive: https://88x31.kate.pet — https://github.com/ktwrd/88x31
the largest 88x31 collection on the internet: https://capstasher.neocities.org/88x31collection-page1
- A.N. Lucas’s 88x31 button Collection: https://anlucas.neocities.org/88x31Buttons — https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33793273
Fustilugz’s Button Collection: https://fustilugz.neocities.org
- My 88x31 Button Store: https://88x31.nekoweb.org
88x31 (Now) Buttons: https://dannarchy.com/now
Neko Buttons: https://buttons.nekoweb.org
DOKODEMO Buttons: https://dokode.moe/buttons
There are also creation tools and similar resources, by the way:
- blinkie maker | generate blinkie gifs with custom text!: https://blinkies.cafe — https://github.com/piconaut/blinkies.cafe — offers various templates and allows you to use them to create blinkie with the text you want
- 88x31 Web Button Maker: https://hekate2.github.io/buttonmaker/ — https://github.com/hekate2/buttonmaker
- 88x31 Button Maker: https://sadgrlonline.github.io/88x31-button-maker/ — https://github.com/sadgrlonline/88x31-button-maker
Even more information and resources on the topic:
How2 - 88x31 Buttons | BMH Online: https://bmh.neocities.org/how2/buttons — explains more about 88x31 buttons
- https://eightyeightthirty.one — https://breq.dev/projects/eightyeightthirtyone — service that crawls all possible sites following the links of the 88x31 buttons, showing a branch graph
Tip: The emblems used on my site are all re-hosted by me, and in the process of uploading them I make sure to compress them with the best lossless algorithms around, whenever possible (for example, for PNG files), so that they take up the as little space as possible without losing any degree of image quality. I advise everyone else to work towards doing the same, there are only advantages.