😺 Who I am
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Rightly, coming here, whether or not you have read the general information on the site on Home, you will be wondering who I am.
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🧙️ sitoctt policy on generative artificial intelligence
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Due to the disputes concerning generative artificial intelligence and their use, [^concern] this page wants, in the possible, to outline a policy on their use and inactivity in the context of this site, to guarantee a good level of transparency with the public.
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⚙️ sitoctt Internals
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In the endless years of its existence, the ctt site has evolved and continues to evolve, obtaining epic features and in general an aura of magic… and those who want to become like me might want to start by creating their own site, also taking mine as inspiration.
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⚜️ Emblem Collection
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Tiled on the ctt site, as well as on other people’s sites who live on my computer, are these colorful little images.
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🔓️ Open Source
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Although the ctt site was created mainly with the intention of being a beautiful place for my personal digital expression (it is no coincidence it was initially called postoctt), I also conceived it as a public good and resource for everyone.
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📄 Site Copies
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In addition to the “normal” version of the site, i.e. served by the official web addresses, the ctt site is available in the form of copies: archives and mirrors, online and offline.
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🚧️ Separators Collection
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By “separators” so precious that they deserve a whole page I do not mean those of decimal figures… but more generally a type of graphic element which serves, as the name suggests, to create a division between several elements which are not in themselves very distinct, balancing the positioning of the contents with something that creates a void by filling it.
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📡️ Mixed Technology Collection
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Perhaps the strangest page I’ve done so far. Here, I have to catalog all the weirdest technology, and various accessories, that I own, for future reference, realize how much rubbish I have, and perhaps guarantee myself a chance to gain world control.
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🕹️ Video Game Collection
🕹️ Video Game Collection
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Why not make a collection to talk, briefly, about the video games I appreciate? Perhaps, managing to shine the spotlight on some half-unknown gaming experience which however should deserve much more.
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Collection of Internet Sites
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A collection dedicated to some nice Internet sites (not just web!), of various types, that I find around or belong to people I know.
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