What's happening
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These last 7 days, very little has been said or done here on the ctt site.
I created this section to use as a general journal, but I’m just now writing something.
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📈 sitoctt - From 3 months ago to today, the beginning and the reasons
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This article can probably be considered as the first of a series on the site philosophy, if you want to say so.
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👾 NDS emulation, Google Play, and a dark history
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The Nintendo DS. Enough, there’s no need to say anything else; after all, among connoisseurs, we understand each other.
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🥸️ How our social digital footprint screws us
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This story, more practical than ever, is incredible in my opinion.
Not only does it demonstrate what lolis can get to with too much free time, like me; shows how everyone among us has a kind of “social fingerprint” that, if not adequately disguised, can identify us.
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💻 How I fixed my laptop (with €25)
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For almost 7 years I have had an Acer laptop, Aspire V3-572G, undoubtedly now a bit old, without praise and with some infamy.
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⌨️ The idea of a homemade physical smartphone keyboard
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Maybe a year ago, partly out of curiosity and partly because I already imagined that it might have been something convenient, I developed a marginal interest in smartphones equipped with complete physical keyboards.
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☀️ Rasperino Solare (and other experiments gone wrong)
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A few months ago I bought a small monocrystalline solar panel online, with dimensions similar to those of an A4 sheet, for the figure of around €20 (on Amazon.
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📄 Documents should not become applications
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Today’s Web is unquestionably very different from that of 20 years ago, and it changes more and more with each passing year.
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🌐️ How and why sitectt on Tor?
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In recent days I have settled the first matters regarding making the site available on the Tor network.
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The unexpected advantages of the Linux stick
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One thing I did months ago that, so far, has proven to be a winning choice, was install a Linux-based operating system, in persistent mode, * on* a small USB stick.
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