What's happening
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These last 7 days, very little has been said or done here on the ctt site.
I created this section to use as a general journal, but I’m just now writing something.
First of all, school started again the day before yesterday for me.
It’s still too early for it to steal my time in the afternoon, but in the morning the story is a bit what it is.
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📈 sitoctt - From 3 months ago to today, the beginning and the reasons
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This article can probably be considered as the first of a series on the site philosophy, if you want to say so.
To start, what is better to talk about, if not everything that led to the birth of the site and began to characterize it?
When, 3 months ago now, I had just started to conceive the ctt site, one of the things I felt was that I didn’t have a place in which to arrange my stuff - the stuff to be preserved and shared publicly, at least - in a way that made it tidy, available, watchable, usable, and loss-proof.
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👾 NDS emulation, Google Play, and a dark history
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The Nintendo DS. Enough, there’s no need to say anything else; after all, among connoisseurs, we understand each other. A console that, 15 years ago, was able to innovate the market with the same spirit with which the Gameboy innovated in its time. A console whose exclusives remain, even today, timeless pearls.
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🥸️ How our social digital footprint screws us
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This story, more practical than ever, is incredible in my opinion.
Not only does it demonstrate what lolis can get to with too much free time, like me; shows how everyone among us has a kind of “social fingerprint” that, if not adequately disguised, can identify us.
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💻 How I fixed my laptop (with €25)
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For almost 7 years I have had an Acer laptop, Aspire V3-572G, undoubtedly now a bit old, without praise and with some infamy.
When it was purchased, it was essentially a mid-range notebook like any other, without any notable features. I mean, I used it quite a bit and it more or less always did what it was supposed to, until about 2 years ago I started demanding to use heavy games and development tools, at which point the new (desktop) PC was great.
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⌨️ The idea of a homemade physical smartphone keyboard
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Maybe a year ago, partly out of curiosity and partly because I already imagined that it might have been something convenient, I developed a marginal interest in smartphones equipped with complete physical keyboards.
I don’t mean the damn numeric keypads, which you still see on non-smart phones today, I mean keyboards with dozens of individual keys dedicated for letters and symbols.
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☀️ Rasperino Solare (and other experiments gone wrong)
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A few months ago I bought a small monocrystalline solar panel online, with dimensions similar to those of an A4 sheet, for the figure of around €20 (on the sellers are all thieves, on Aliexpress it would have cost a little less).
![Screenshot of a photo sent in chat.
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📄 Documents should not become applications
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Today’s Web is unquestionably very different from that of 20 years ago, and it changes more and more with each passing year.
Looking at the positive sides of progress is always very easy and reassuring, and for this reason we rarely think about the dark sides which, in many, many things, exist.
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🌐️ How and why sitectt on Tor?
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In recent days I have settled the first matters regarding making the site available on the Tor network. There are those who will call me exaggerated for even having the thought of doing something like this, but there is little that can be done.
If nothing has gone wrong, the Onion service can still be reached at this address: onmfrk2acl4xdeawfjg3nfepq7gcufolctmhiwwxpcknazus5bxzxhqd.
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The unexpected advantages of the Linux stick
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One thing I did months ago that, so far, has proven to be a winning choice, was install a Linux-based operating system, in persistent mode, * on* a small USB stick.
The reasons why I wanted to do it initially are perhaps simple and banal, but it gave me, upon careful analysis, some unexpected advantages that were much more than welcome.
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