🔋 Everything so as not to change two batteries...
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Between 1 and 2 months ago - realize how much time passed before I got annoyed definitively - the batteries in the remote control of the television that I keep on my desk (I use it as a second monitor) have started to run out beyond the limitof tolerable usability.
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🥴 Ugly interface? Files all destroyed!
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Let’s visually compare two PC applications: GNOME Disks, and GParted.
Both are disk partitioning tools, and broadly serve the same tasks; there is just some difference in extra features or more support in favor of one program or the other. Despite this, the two tools present obvious differences in their graphical interface.
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🤯 When hardware problems become mental (damn Raspino)
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Until now 2 months ago, my kingdom of Rasperino was at its maximum splendor: the Misskey instance, set up just 2 weeks earlier, < strong>it was going great, and now (almost) everything seemed destined to continue well...
And instead, problems arose. Let's say it took me a little while to notice, because they developed in a strangely gradual way.
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🐕u200d🦺 Epicyon, Fediverse platform lasting 2 days
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By now, we know, the more time passes, the more I end up exploring ever more minute details of the Fediverse.
Today I'll tell you a little about a platform of this world that is quite unknown, and which had good premises, but turned out to be a hole in the water: Epicyon strong>.
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🎄 Christmas distractions: the Padoru tree
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Ahhh, and here we are in November again this year. I would say that it is time to start the necessary procedure of thawing the Padoru.
...No, wait a minute. IT'S ALREADY MID DECEMBER?!?!?! 😐 😶 🤯
The months pass quickly... oh well.
What is "Padoru" For many a controversial issue and a despised custom, that of the Padoru.
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⚡️ Quick Blogging with Standard Notes
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I’ve been using Standard Notes as my personal notes app for a long time now.
Years ago I chose it for its being free and open-source, but at the same time very clean, tidy, and functional. It was a perfect fit at a time when I was looking for something that supported data encryption that works, without affecting usability.
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🎮 Ancient history of DSpacc
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Almost two months ago, the DSpacc came to mind somewhat by chance; first as a concept, talking about it with people online, and then directly as the little object that I proudly own.
This thing of mine has seen dust, glory, war, and despair. This is exactly what I should have talked about today, what I did recently to remove some dust and thus bring my device back to glory.
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DSpacc Updates - Cursed Key
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A month ago, in the [post of October 18](./2022-09-18- Quando-Metto-Mano-Io-Spacc.html), I briefly said that it was the DSpacc, and what a new mess I had caused.
Well, this time I did even worse; to understand the proportions, it is good to brush up on what I had written for a second.
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New frontiers
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Since I discovered it a few days ago. I’m trying that epic software that is TiddlyWiki.
I initially found it while looking for something to organize notes in a rich format, that I could use for school, and that was obviously free.
It is a wiki software, practically in the same category as MediaWiki (the software on which Wikipedia is based), but it has very particular characteristics.
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When I get my hands on I rock
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The other day I was, let’s say, reminded of the fact that I have a Nintendo DSpacc in my drawer.
I’m not ashamed to admit that it’s disused, because the only thing I can play with it is Pokémon Ruby.
But not because there is only one screen left!
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