
The content of this page has been entirely machine-translated into English, from Italiano. Therefore, it might contain any kind of errors.

Once upon a time here it was all countryside— er, I wanted to say… it was a whole list of words piled together badly and worse. Not only did I no longer like it either, but it’s not exactly good manners in the year of our Lord 2024 (and beyond), so…

Now there is this list of all my latest articles, and loose pages that I have recently updated, while the old home is at “Sul sitoctt” until I reorganize everything. Welcomea/o in the ✨sitoctt✨!

(Work in progress for a few more days, so maybe broken links and misshapen pages, sorry!!!)


🌽 Compile and install the Linux kernel from source

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Collection of Internet Sites

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📓️ On the transition from diaries to blogs to social media, a reflection

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🚀 LIBERTY WINGS: a Short RPG about Freedom (Review)

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🎇 The report of this 2023, at least in terms of posting!

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😺 Who I am

2️⃣ Gaming synchronized between PlayStation 2 and smartphone

📎 Hair clips, reduced to glue and pebbles

🏖️ Review: Pipì nel Mare (Tyrrhenian Sea)

☣️ The unsolvable ugliness of the Nintendo Switch dock (Part I)

😭 More than an exam, I went to war.


Fediring [🎲]

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